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Man and woman taking a break with their Labs during a waterfowl hunt

The Sporting Dog Blog

Expert Perspectives & Personal Stories from Team Eukanuba™

Labrador retriever walking down hall in house beside owner

pro training tips

Training Your Sporting Dog for the Field and as a Family Pet

Featuring Chris Akin | Webb Footed Kennel

Part of the reason Labrador retrievers are so popular is because they are excellent family pets as well as sporting dogs.

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conditioning and performance tips

Simple Tips to Bring Out the Most in Your Sporting Dog

Featuring Al Arthur | Sandhill Retrievers

With so many different training programs, it’s important for owners and handlers to find a method that works for them and their dogs.

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Josh Miller carrying bumpers to train his British Labs
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conditioning and performance tips

How to Improve Your Sporting Dog's Focus

Featuring Brad Arington | Mossy Pond Retrievers

Just as people lose focus, dogs can as well. The good thing about lack of focus is that it can be corrected by training.

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Can My Dog Drink Water From the Field

On this episode of Ask Team Eukanuba, Dr. Joe Spoo explains the dangers of letting your sporting dog drink from a pond or lake while in the field. Dr. Spoo also gives us some tips for bringing water from home to the field for your dog.